Sunday, February 22, 2009
:New Practice Schedule.
Guys, please take note of this important practice schedule. There will be slight changes to our practice dates because of Dennis's work schedule and the Philwinds using our band room on some Fridays. Please take note.This schedule was sent to me by Dennis through email. I'm just gonna copy and paste everything that he said.
20/2 Fri 6pm
27/2 Fri 6pm
7/3 Sat 12pm
14/3 Sat 12pm
20/3 Fri 6pm
27/3 Fri 6pm
4/4 Sat 12pm
11/4 Sat 12pm
18/4 Sat 12pm
24/4 Fri 6pm
2/5 Sat 12pm
9/5 Sat No Practice (Vesak Day)
15/5 Fri Philwind Japan
22/5 Fri 6pm
29/5 Fr 6pm
I will be away to Bangkok from 9 to 11 Mar 09 for company trip and Philwind to Japan from 15 to 21 May 09.
All tue practice still remain the same except:
10/3 Bangkok
17/3 Performance at NUS
28/4 Philwind practice before concert
19/5 Philwind to Japan
Thank you Dennis Sim
posted at 12:28 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
:Saturday practices shifted to Fridays.
Hey NYPPE, all Saturday practices have been shifted to Fridays for the convenience of our members. Timing would be the same at 6pm. This would start this week on 13 Feb 2009.-Ridwan
posted at 11:45 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
:Finally, after months..
Hey, NYPPE. There will be ensemble practice this Saturday, frm 12 to 3pm as per usual. And please do not forget about this coming Sunday's MUSART Percussion Concert at Jurong Green CC. It starts at 5pm. We will meet first and then go together. Those of you who cannot go, please inform Dennis personally.I'm sure you all gt Jolyn's email regarding a percussion outing. Please give your ideas on what we should do. Preferably something that does not involved a lot of money. I was thinking of a picnic somewhere where we can just bring our own food and bring some ball games or something. Seniors are welcome to join us.
posted at 10:50 PM