Monday, May 25, 2009
:Temporary Practices.
Hey NYPPE,Since this weeks' and next week's tuesdays and thursdays are taken up for the year 1 band practices, for now, combined ensemble practices will be on friday, 6-9pm and saturday, 12-3pm. The time and venue for the 6th June performance have not ben confirmed yet because Mr Han is overseas. Once he's back, I will inform everyone the time and venue.
posted at 11:36 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
:Practice Shifts to Wednesday.
Hey NYPPE,Starting from next week onwards, practices will be held on Wednesdays, from 3pm to 6pm, and Fridays, frm 6pm to 9pm. Please take note. Thank you.
posted at 12:21 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
:New Practice Days.
Hey, NYPPE.Our ensemble practice days have been shifted to Friday and Saturday due to the freshman band practices every Tues and Thurs. This change will be starting from Monday, 18 May, onwards.
Friday's timing would be 6 - 9pm whereas Saturday's timing would be 12 - 3pm.
posted at 8:31 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
:Performance on 4th June for MOE
Hey, members. We will be having a performance at NUS i think for the Senior Minister and the MOE audience. We will be playing Technology, Sweet Rio and Cruizin' Jamaica. Parts allocation will be told to you on Tuesday or during band practice. Time of performance not confirmed yet.-Ridwan
posted at 12:33 PM